Learning PHP Basics
In now days there are lots of site from where we can easily readout about HTML tag and PHP functions. Most of good site also provide us a good workplace by doing example. So here we start talking about developing a website with own custom framework. Let start with basics, we will do all process one by one.
Before starting any website you have to study purpose of website and nature of work . Suppose we developing a basic site  which is about School Information. Basically what i need in a site
- Images
- Java-script/ Jquery
- PHP functions
- PHP Classes
- Basic system function
- Site configuration detail
- PHP Modules according to site requirement
- site Admin
In addition you can add your custom font and libs.
According to above requirement we are going our site structure which will look something like
Keep in mind your each folder must have index.php for proper redirection to avoid direct access of folder.
As folder name is self explanatory we are going to do same
- classes :- This folder have all necessary classes related to our site/project for example DB class, Login Class.
- conf:- It includes all basic configuration of site like site title, basic path, database detail etc.
- css :- All style sheets will go in this folder.
- fonts:- If using any custom fonts then we have to put in this folder.
- functions:- All php related common function will go in this folder. We can create a file function.php and can use this as a common.
- images:- Site related all images
- includes:- All common includes file like common footer, header etc.
- libs :- If we have any extra libs for our site.
- modules:- we will discuss this latter.
- script:- All javascript and jquery related js file will go in this folder.
So it’s all about basic site structure in next article we will discuss how to implement this.
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