Category: PHP

Jquery webcam plugin

Here i am explaining the integration of your webcam with jquery plugin. Article originally inspired by create an index.php and put all below...

Extract numeric values from string

Extract numeric values from string Many time we have a mixed sentence which contains string and numbers. If we want to separate string and numbers then we can do easily with php...

Get first n characters from string without breaking word

Get first n characters from string If you want to get simple character from string then can use php default substr function which is quite simple. Belo is the syntax string substr (...

how to filter a multilevel menu with a search input

Filter a multilevel menu with a search input Mostly you can use select2 js for drop down which are basically use html select  tag, but sometime we need same functionality on ul -li...

php pass session to new window

Whenever we open new window with jQuery or JavaScript often it will clear all old session. For example you have a dashboard screen after user login and here have a link to open new...

Php Apache Solr executing query using eDisMax

Solr edismax boost query Before starting keep in mind that SolrDisMaxQuery class was not part of the 2.0.0 release. But still you can download the current master branch from...

Google map on address to geo code

Many time we know only address don’t have coordinates or latitude and longitude. In such case we can use Google geo coder part . We have to pass only physical address and on...

Browser detection with php

In php there  are lot of inbuilt function you can use one of them to check browser. HTTP_USER_AGENT gives a value of all browser info. You can use it with php preg_match function....

PHP lucen solr search with php-solrClient class

I am giving a simple example of lucen solr search with php. I am assuming that you already setup a lucen solr server which is on http://localhost:8389/solr/ created a core admin...

Learning PHP Basics part one – Basic folder structure

Learning PHP Basics In now days there are lots of site from where we can easily readout about HTML tag and PHP functions. Most of good site also provide us a good workplace by doing...