Browser detection with php

In php there  are lot of inbuilt function you can use one of them to check browser. HTTP_USER_AGENT gives a value of all browser info. You can use it with php preg_match function....

JavaScript function to disable text selection on browser

Sometime you need to prevent you text from simple copy paste. For it you can disable text selection on your browser. By this article i am just giving an example to handle browser...

JavaScript function to disable right click on browser

with a simple JavaScript function you can disable right click on you browsers. You have to do two main things browser detection mouse event detection for it you can use below...

JavaScript function to add and remove value from select box

Sometime we need a simple JavaScript function to add and remove few values from select box. For example if you have a list of language and want to add only known language then you...

PHP lucen solr search with php-solrClient class

I am giving a simple example of lucen solr search with php. I am assuming that you already setup a lucen solr server which is on http://localhost:8389/solr/ created a core admin...

How to install Linux Malware Detect(LMD)

Installing LMD on centos Download the LMD package from rfxn site Login with ssh/putty with root access go to your tmp folder or create own folder where you want to download this...

How to install multiple php version on WHM or cpanel

Installing multiple php version on WHM or cPanel WHM Cpanel allowed single php version to run and compile. In case you strongly required then you have to move for Cloud Linux by...

Learning PHP Basics part one – Basic folder structure

Learning PHP Basics In now days there are lots of site from where we can easily readout about HTML tag and PHP functions. Most of good site also provide us a good workplace by doing...

Calculate Total Working Days using PHP class

/** Calculate working days class**/ class calculateWorkingDays { private $holidays = array(); private $holidates = array(); private $totalWorkingDays = 0; /** * Constructor */...

Convert Folder to Zip using PHP class

<?php class FolderToZipConverter { private $_isRecursiveVar = false; private $_foldersList = array(); private $_zipFileFilePath = ”; private $_zipFile; /** * Constructor */...